The report of Retreat on November 15 and 16, 2014

1. Title: “Qualitative Research in Action: From Text Reading to Write-up”
Presenter: Dr. Masahiro Nochi (Professor of Graduate school of Education, University of Tokyo)

2. Title: “Effective Class Management by Use of Learning Style of Experiential Learning”
Presenter: Shoko Araki (Professor of Liberal Arts at J.F. Oberlin University)

3. Title: “Express Your Vision through Metaphoric Drawing”
Presenter: Dr. Kichiro Hayashi (Professor emeritus of Aoyama Gakuin University)

SIETAR Japan Retreat was held on November 15 and 16, 2014 at Izu Kogen. We had six undergraduate students join us for the retreat.

First, Dr. Masahiro Nochi, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Tokyo presented on the topic “Qualitative Research in Action: From Text Reading to Write-Up. He especially emphasized the importance of message embedded in the data, and to deepen our framework and analysis for greater understanding of meaning behind the data.

Shoko Araki, Professor of Liberal Arts Division at J.F.Oberlin University presented effective classroom management with learning styles. Four types of learning style covered were concrete experience, reflective observer, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. In addition, Professor Araki emphasized that teachers today are required to have the ability to create a learning environment where students can remain full of curiosity.

Lastly Dr. Kichiro Hayashi, Professor Emeritus of Aoyama Gakuin University, presented about how to express your vision through metaphoric drawing. Dr. Hayashi explained the importance of imagining ourselves of what we want to become in the future and to draw that in a picture. We should not allow ourselves to be confined to any conventional framework, and the goal is to encounter a new self. Through group discussion and to hear others’ perspectives, is the final step that will result in a newly defined self.

Participants were able to enjoy various workshops in Izu Kogen, a much more relaxed and easy-going atmosphere compared to the hustle-bustle of city life.
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