Report of Workshop on December 6, 2014

Title: A Look at Intercultural Communication: From a Journalist’s Perspective
Presenter: Mr. Tetsuya Sumi (Journalist; Former Professor at Yokohama National University)

We invited Professor Tetsuya Sumi to conduct a workshop on December 6, 2014. Professor Sumi is a former journalist for Kyodo Tsushin, a Japanese news agency, and with his expertise in journalism currently teaches at the college level.  Professor Sumi discussed how high levels of communication skills were required as a young and upcoming reporter in order to overcome the various barriers of position, age, and culture. Even if the interviewee does not want to disclose information to a reporter, an effective means would be to break the ice through small talk about common hobbies, etc. so that one is able to draw out key information.

After the workshop, we celebrated our end-of-year party!
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