SJWC2018: Facing Uncertain Times Together: Strengthening Intercultural Connections
– 2018異文化コミュニケーション学会国際大会および第33回年次大会『異文化共存に向けて:不確実な未来に共に向きあう』


Thank you all for coming.

Please fill out our survey!

If you have any photos/videos from the Congress/trip to Japan, you can share them HERE!

Dear SJWC 2018 Congress Participants,

Thank you once again for joining us for the 2018 SIETAR Japan World Congress.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to you for your flexibility, open-mindedness, and impressive adaptability to the changing circumstances. We really enjoyed meeting each and every one of you and learned so much from you. We were so pleased that many participants asked to be put on a mailing list so that they would be notified of future SIETAR Japan conferences! We would love to have you come back again and we, too, are looking forward to flying out to attend SIETAR conferences around the world.

We hope that through strengthening our connections we have taken a step forward to overcoming uncertain times!

We would appreciate it if you could take a moment to complete the following survey by: September 5, 2018.



The SJWC 2018 Committee










Facing Uncertain Times Together: Strengthening Intercultural Connections


Sponsor: Chuo University

Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 2.36.15 PMMakiko Deguchi, President of SIETAR Japan

As we face increasingly uncertain times, we, at SIETAR Japan, believe in the importance of strengthening intercultural connections now more than ever. We invite you to join us in Tokyo from August 7th to 11th, 2018 so that we may embark on this important journey together.

We have an exciting lineup of keynote speakers including Dr. Peter Coleman, a foremost expert on conflict resolution and Professor Clifford Clarke, one of the founding fathers of our field, and Dr. Kumiko Torikai, a leading expert in English language education in Japan. Our Master Workshops provide a special opportunity for participants to learn from various experts. Dr. Peter Coleman will be hosting two workshops on Conflict Resolution. Mr. Masaharu Nomoto and Dr. Kaoru Yamamoto will facilitate a workshop on understanding conflict and communication through the traditional Japanese martial art of Kobudo. Mr. Tetsuro Miyazaki, will host a workshop on the identities of multicultural children. Finally, Act and Learn, an offspring from our Co-Creative Dialogue SIG, will provide participants with an opportunity to experience and learn their newest simulation. During the congress we will have parallel sessions consisting of research presentations, reports from practice and activities, workshops, and poster sessions. We will also have roundtable lunch discussions during which participants can further share ideas.

Twenty years ago, when SIETAR hosted our first global congress at Reitaku University, the late Dr. Holly Kawakami organized a series of “cultural contexting” events to provide overseas visitors an opportunity to appreciate the cultural context of the congress, which is Japan. To honor and celebrate this tradition we will host a pre-conference fieldtrip in which we will learn about the Ainu, the indigenous peoples of Japan. Throughout the conference and during various social events, we will provide participants with opportunities to experience Japanese culture firsthand.

Chuo University is located in western Tokyo, away from the hustle and bustle of city life. It is only a thirty-minute train ride to beautiful Mt. Takao, less than an hour away from Shinjuku station, and a little over an hour away from the beautiful mountains and rivers of Oku-Tama.

On August 7th we welcome you to Chuo University’s Tama Campus! We encourage you to come to Japan earlier to travel and absorb the culture (and the heat!) prior to the conference.

Best Regards,

Makiko Deguchi, President of SIETAR Japan



Shun-itsu NAKASAKO, Congress Director


Dear SIETAR Members and Friends,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you at Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan, to host 2018 World Congress of SIETAR Japan. I hope that this congress will provide you with rich opportunities to meet and interact with a diverse range of people from around the world. I am very grateful to the World Congress Steering Committee members, the SIETAR Japan Steering Committee members, SIETAR Japan colleagues and all the participants from overseas for all their preparation and hard work to ensure a stimulating and enjoyable experience for us all.

Shun-itsu NAKASAKO, Congress Director




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会長 出口真紀子



他のプログラムでは、武道家である野本政晴先生が日本の古武道を通して異文化コミュニケーションを理解する、ユニークで実践的なワークショップを提供してくださいます。写真家であるミヤザキ・テツロー氏は、ミックスの子どもたちのアイデンティティへの理解を深めるワークショップを行います。学会の研究分科会コークリエイティブ・ダイアログ(CCD)のアクト&ラーン(Act and Learn)メンバーは、異文化理解のための最新のシミュレーションゲームを紹介し、参加者に体験していただきます。年次大会では研究・実践発表、異文化ワークショップ、ポスターセッション、映画上映、フィールドトリップ、文化体験など多岐にわたるセッションをご用意し、参加者がフルに意見交換、ネットワーキングができるよう様々な工夫を凝らしています。

異文化コミュニケーション学会初の世界大会が麗澤大学で開催されたのは、20年前の1998年でした。海外からの参加者が日本の社会・文化・歴史的文脈をより理解しやすいようにと、故川上ホリー先生は「カルチュラル・コンテキスティング(cultural contexting)」といったセッションを多数設けられ、大変好評でした。これに倣い本国際大会では8月7日のプレ・カンファレンスで、日本の先住民族アイヌの人々について学ぶフィールドトリップを企画し、また大会中も日本の文化に触れる機会を設けて、多くの方々に日本の多様な側面を理解・体験いただける機会をご用意しています。



会長 出口真紀子



国際大会委員長 中迫俊逸
