About SIETAR Japan
Our Mission
As one of the oldest members of the global SIETAR organization, SIETAR Japan was founded in 1985 and has been active as an officially registered academic association (gakkai) since 2002.
An interdisciplinary organization, we combine research and practice in the field of intercultural communication, mainly involving intercultural exchanges, study abroad, language teaching, cross-cultural management, global leadership, virtual teamwork, and diversity training.
Our Members
SIETAR Japan's members come from diverse backgrounds, different nationalities, occupations, ages, etc.
The areas the members work in, for example, are:
Business Management, Communication, Conflict Resolution
Counseling, Education, Global Business Consulting/Coaching
Government, Human Resources, International Development
International exchange, International Marketing, International Relations
Language Services, Medicine, Minority Issues
NGO/ODA, Mental Health, Research
Social work, Trade, Negotiation
Our Activities
Newsletters, journals, annual conference, Intercultural Education Praxis Seminar, Special Seminars and Workshops, Social Gatherings and Parties, and Join Projects with Other Organizations.