SIETAR JAPAN serves in the field of intercultural communication in Japan with a large international membership of professionals in education, training, and research, which includes business people, counselors, development assistants.


SIETAR JAPAN was founded in 1985 as an affiliate group of SIETAR.

SIETAR was founded in 1974 and has many local groups around the world.

SIETAR is an interdisciplinary and professional service organization whose purpose is to implement and promote cooperative interaction and communication among people of diverse cultures, races and ethnic groups.

SIETAR’s objective is to encourage the development and application of knowledge, values and skills which enable effective intercultural, interracial and interethnic actions at the individual, group, organization and community levels.

SIETAR holds conferences and global information exchanges. All SIETAR groups belong to SIETAR Global Network and support the same fundamental beliefs and goals, organizing activities independently. Members all over the world are more than 3000.


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