




講師:能智正博先生(東京大学教育学研究科 臨床心理学コース教授)







能智正博:愛媛県生まれ。東京大学文学部卒。同大学院を経て、Syracuse大学大学院教育学研究科でPh.D.を取得。現在は、東京大学大学院教育学研究科臨床心理学コース教授。著書に、『臨床心理学を学ぶ6 質的研究法』(東京大学出版会, 2011), 『質的心理学ハンドブック』(新曜社,共編著, 2013)など。

Additional announcement of Retreat 2014

This is the additional information on Dr. Nochi’s “Qualitative Study”Program for Retreat 2014 (Nov.15&16). Information on other programs will be uploaded soon.

Date & Time: November 15th 12:30-18:00


Qualitative research in action: From text reading to paper writing


Qualitative research is gaining popularity in many disciplines of humanities and social sciences. It is not just a research method that involves a language use but an attitude in which to collect data in natural settings, to make a basically inductive analysis, and make a model on the object from a novel viewpoint. These years, textbooks that deal with qualitative methodology have increased in number, and more researchers have recognized its benefits for empirical projects. However, I often hear people say that its specific procedures are still vague and inaccessible. This seminar will give an opportunity in which participants can go through a process of qualitative research, using concrete data, in order to deepen an understanding of its methods and techniques.

The seminar will consist of three sections. First, I will briefly present an essence of qualitative research, focusing on narrative inquiry. Second, I will give an opportunity to analyze sample data to help you understand a qualitative analysis for contents or meanings. Third, I will show you a process of getting published in corporation with a doctoral student who recently published his research. Through this seminar, I wish I can provide you some hints and advices so that each participant can embody his or her own research ideas, answering questions on qualitative research.


Masahiro Nochi was born in Ehime, Japan. He graduated from the Department of Letters in the University of Tokyo and got a Ph. D. at Graduate School of Syracuse University, USA. Presently, he is a professor of Clinical Psychology in the University of Tokyo. He is the author of “Shitsuteki Kenkyuho (Qualitative methods) “ (2011), and a co-author/editor of “Shitsuteki Shinrigaku Handobukku (Qualitative Psychology Handbook)” (2013).